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A brighter future
for District 79

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Now we have a choice!

Protect our rights!

Ready to stand up for women's rights

Now we have a choice! 

Ready to stand up for women's health!

Protect our rights! 

Mary Beedle

Election Day is November 5, 2024
NC Early Voting and Same Day Registration
is Oct. 17 to Nov. 2



Mary Beedle

Another choice has arrived in District 79!  I am Mary Beedle, a newly retired Nurse Practitioner.  I am running to represent the North Carolina House of Representative's 79th District.  This district includes Beaufort, Dare, Hyde, and Pamlico counties. I decided to run for this position because women's rights are under attack.  As a mother, grandmother, and nurse practitioner for 26 years, I have supported family planning, contraception, and reproductive education throughout my career. I believe that women deserve the right to choose and that our state legislature needs experts like me guiding reproductive policies and health issues.  I earned a BS in Health Education and a Master's Degree in Nursing.  


I am also deeply concerned about our public school systems.  We need to ensure that our public schools are properly and fairly funded to give our children the best chance to succeed in our evolving world.   Another way to support our children and future generations is to ensure they have access to clean air and water. We cannot afford to have the beautiful waterways of our district polluted for the sake of corporate profit, something that has already been done in rivers across our state.


I come from a family of ten children which implanted the importance of communication, negotiation, and cooperation in order to get things accomplished.  I would like to be clear with my district about any bills being presented in the NC House of Representatives and will be a voice for a wide variety of people.  My limited Spanish, learned as a missionary in Guatemala, gives me another platform for understanding cross cultural needs.


My opponent, Mr. Kidwell, is a far-right Republican who has delivered divisiveness and unpopular policies.  In his recent term, he introduced a bill for total abortion ban, with no exceptions for rape or incest. He was removed from his committee positions by other republicans for making offensive comments towards a female colleague and crudeness. He is not representing our district well. We deserve a representative in Raleigh who works to find solutions and effective policies for North Carolina.


I'm taking this first step, and I hope you come with me. Feedback about what this District needs is always welcome and necessary to provide the best representation. You now have a choice, and I am listening.


"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."  (MLK)


Mary Beedle

is proudly endorsed by

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I will advocate for individuals' rights to make informed decisions about their own reproductive health care without government interference. One recent thought shared with me about those who are "prolife".

If they are on birth control then they have a choice to control their reproductive future. Give access to that choice to their fellow sisters.

Just Sayin.


Expanding broadband access in North Carolina is essential for bridging the digital divide, fostering economic growth, enhancing education opportunities, and improving access to essential services for all residents in district 79 and across the state. I have done more research on this issue per county that will be in the news section.


Access to clean air and water is essential for the health, well-being, and prosperity of all North Carolinians, and it is imperative that we prioritize comprehensive measures to protect and preserve these vital resources for current and future generations.

New applications from companies to upset the ecology of spawning creeks is in play. I am paying attention.



The only way we'll flip District 79 from red to blue is if you're standing with us. 


Evey student in North Carolina deserves a equal chance of a quality education. Public schools are the backbone of our community. We must ensure our schools are funded fairly for all our students.   

The future of North Carolina depends on providing a quality education for each and every student regardless of income level. This means investing in our students, our schools, our teachers, and our education personnel.


We need to build and retain a professional workforce in eastern North Carolina.  Teachers need to be paid a living wage; they are building the future of our country.  We need to retain and attract professionals in the medical field like primary care and nurse practitioners. 


Tourism, agriculture and small business growth are key to the future of eastern North Carolina.  Our tourism business is growing, and we need to support them and the jobs and income they create.  We need to support and encourage young farmers.  And we need to support seafood fairness, and encourage looking into new crops and hydroponics.


Paid for by Beedle4NCrep

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