A deeper dive into the situation concerning broadband and satellite internet progress has been an adventure in internet snooping. I will provide at least some web sites that give a look to each individual counties, Dare, Beaufort, Pamlico, and Hyde. The sites have areas that give percentages per county of who has functional internet speeds. Who is using DSL and who has no access. The progress from the statistics from 2021 and now are hopeful.
There has been a lot of money allocated or with access to allocation of grants, both State and Federal. Check out these sites and see the progress ongoing in 2024. Internet access is critical to farmers for their business and general farm product information. Sarah Tabor is my pick for Agriculture Commissioner. She has a PhD in Agriculture and can educate and direct both productivity and variety of land use. With internet functionality that can help draw younger farmers into an enterprise. Happy searching.
DATA SOURCES: *FCC BDC - Federal Communication Commission Broadband Data Collection Version 3
This is an interesting site that gives the percentages of internet connectivity per county and the areas of those counties to get grants both by State or Federal Grants. It does not say if those grants have been activated.
This is an opportunity for an official to investigate and see who is the person to creat the applications for such grants.
This site offers a possible search of individual households to see if there area has applied or is in future plans for grants underway